Oasis program for AMEX question??

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Mongrol, Jul 26, 2004.

  1. Mongrol

    Mongrol Well-Known Member

    I will have my amex back today or tommorrow (love the snail mail) and I am starting off with a 600.00 line of credit. They told me that I have to wait a year for a limit increase. How much of a limit increase will I get? Will it be based on my fico score?
  2. Lovely

    Lovely Member

    I quess the Oasis program was a success for you!
    Question??? Did Amex remove/delete all your negative info. and replace it with the new tl info.

  3. Mongrol

    Mongrol Well-Known Member

    I just disputed the info off. They never updated it... we will see in a month after I have had my card what they say... It is a new number, so it should reflect as a brand new account
  4. drumik

    drumik Member

    The never removed negative info for me......
    Until I mail them a Goodwill letter.

    PS If talking about limit increase I was told by one of the Oasis folks that the limit that I have will stay forever.
    I spoke with them like 2 weeks ago and I got their card back in 2003

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