i just wanted to know if there is at least one (1) person registered in this site that is aware of what CRA's really are, and what their true purpose is. Has anyone questioned why they operate clandestinely, and why the scoring model is classifed? Even if no one had questioned it, IS anyone remotely intelligent enough to speculate?
-umm is this where you say its part of the government cover up of the human genome project? -And they DO NOT operate clandestinely or we wouldnt know about them would we ? -The "Scoring model" whatever that is, IS NOT classified. There are TONS of people who can explain how it works. They are called expert witnesses and testify ALL THE TIME in court about it -speculatation DOES NOT require intelligence
ummm it's people like you ummmm it's people like you that have brought the country to its knees and examine genetics studies without any formal education. speculation with intelligence is not speculation. One must have tools in order to see and in this case those tools are intelligence. The model is classified and cannot be studied by anyone. By model (which seemed to confuse you) I am referring to the mathematics that comrpise the algorithms based upon which profiles are scored. Umm although the data may be incorporated into the genetics data amassed there is much more to it.
Models do not have to be transparent in order to study and develop counter-strategies. Nor is even intelligence a necessary prerequisite to responding to and adapting to a stimulus. It just takes longer. Maybe in enough time we can evolve human subspecies adapted to both high and low FICO eco-niches. Or perhaps we already have, and economic cycles are really oscillations in a predator-prey phase space. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lotka-Volterra_equations Or perhaps someone will rediscover and patent analysis of variance, shutting down FICO with patent nuisance litigation.