OC and CA both reporting...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by barrioobre, May 12, 2007.

  1. barrioobre

    barrioobre Active Member

    the original collector and the collection agency are both reporting the same account on my husband's credit report. can they do that? I have been disputing and finally got Equifax to delete the CA. Experian and TransUnion haven't done it as of yet.
    thank you for any information, advise you guys can give me.
  2. BellaRuss

    BellaRuss Well-Known Member

    Is the OC reporting a zero balance? Charge off? What, exactly?
  3. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    An OC and CA can both report the same account.

    If the OC *ASSIGNED* the CA to the account, the OC can report the account with a balance, and charge-off (or whatever their status is)...

    If the OC *SOLD* the CA the account (JDB), the OC can report the account with a zero balance, typically with the description "ACCOUNT TRANSFERRED OR SOLD" as the status...
  4. barrioobre

    barrioobre Active Member

    Experian is reporting the following way.
    CA - collection account $_____ past due.
    OC - transferred, closed, account charged off, $___written off.

    TransUnion is reporting the following way:
    CA - collection account
    OC - charged off as bad debt

    Equifax did delete the CA. :)

    if Equifax deleted the CA would the other two credit bureas will do it if I bring it to their attention?

    thank you,
  5. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

    It appears they are both reporting correctly. TU and EX wont care what EQ has done with deleting accounts. They will go through the normal dispute process, EQ is horrible anyway.
  6. barrioobre

    barrioobre Active Member

    Why would you say that Equifax is horrible? why do you think they went ahead and deleted the CA?
  7. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

    EQ is the worst in reporting correct information, therefore, usually if you dispute an item it will be deleted. Most smaller banks will not report to EQ unless the consumer lives in the South, where EQ is mainly used. Therefore, if a consumer in the Midwest or West goto a small bank, that tradeline is rarely reported to EQ.
  8. BellaRuss

    BellaRuss Well-Known Member

    Silly information again from collectman! EQ is widely used all across the USA by huge organizations. Purely a subjective call which CRA is the " worst ". Most people I read believe TU is far worse than EQ in 1000 ways, not sure what gives collectman the impression EQ is worse.

    Additionally, more rubbish from collectman:

    EQ does not easily delete information, any more than any of the three CRA's. They don't " usually " delete disputed TL's any more than any other CRA. They send countless dispute results back to the disputer as " verified ".
  9. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

    Again Bella is incorrect, maybe if you worked on my side you'd understand more of why I posted that. EQ is mainly used in the SE, sure the HUGE organizations will report to all 3, I dont care about HUGE organizations, nor did I post anything about them, pay attention, but the smaller bank will only report to TU or EX or both, and NOT EQ. I have a large credit union where I live with 3 loans spread over 5 years and they will not report to EQ. My parents have a large bank across the state that they have loans with and they will not report to EQ.
  10. BellaRuss

    BellaRuss Well-Known Member

    So collectman, you are off on a tangent again which does not help the OP. Why do you do this?
  11. collectman

    collectman Well-Known Member

    Trying to make dense people understand why I posted what I said and how I came to my point, and I believe it was the OP who asked the question. Again, some people......
  12. BellaRuss

    BellaRuss Well-Known Member


    Look up the word tangent in a dictionary, if you have one.
  13. Reatha

    Reatha Well-Known Member

    I just thought I'd add another post for the original poster to look at since BellaRuss and Collectman's difference of opinions on this were the last postings.

    First, I do wish to point out that Jam's point IS the answer to the question that the poster asked. They can both report (see Jam's post above).

    Why Equifax would delete and the other's didn't - could be many answers for that. Just be glad its gone, even if from only one. One less than you started with right?

    I can say from my experience that while Equifax HAS been easier to get things removed from, I don't see any of my accounts not reporting to them. Which brings me to TransUnion. There have been cases where some creditors don't report my items to them. However, moreso than not, they are there. And, when they are in my TransUnion file, I definitely do have a hard time dealing with Trans Union. Their dispute responses are lax ridiculous form letters and their cust. serv. reps are the pitts.

    Now then, the question I'm wondering: Have you debt validated the collection agency? This might be a better route to getting the CA off your reports.
  14. barrioobre

    barrioobre Active Member

    thank you all for your responses.
    now.. to answer Rheata's question.
    I should say this is on my husband's credit report. He is on a payment arrangement with this CA. He is going to settle for less of the amount soon and in turn he is going to ask them to delete from credit reports.
  15. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    well, after the fact asking them to delete, may not achieve anything... typically, if it's not agreed on before (PFD), the CA won't touch the tradeline, except for marking it paid.

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