I disputed a Swiss Colony account with the CRA's. One of them verified. Then yesterday I get this letter from Swiss Colony saying something like" Please send us a SINGED letter of your dispute to the following address" Yeah, like i'm going to sign my name to a company Claiming I owe them money. Any suggestion on what to do? ps I plan to redispute durning Chod...So I'll wait and see how it turns out Thanks Me
Sounds like First USA...They put the account in dispute so the CRA will not delete (except TransUnion, who deletes everything, bless their pointed little heads). They send an affidavit to be filled out, signed and returned. I don't think so. Prove it or delete it are the only choices, and I don't prove it for anyone (except the court and my wife).
Re: OC asking for SIGNED dispute le Have any first graders in your household? Let your kid sign it for you in crayon & send it back! *lol*