OC will accept payment; what about CA?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Marydjw, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. Marydjw

    Marydjw Well-Known Member

    I have two tickets a few years old, total: $320. My credit report lists these tickets with Alliance One. I have contacted my city's Clerk of Courts and been told I can remit payment to them. What, then, happens to the Alliance One collection account and how can I remove it from my credit report? I've never had an account with them, although they are affiliated with the court. Should I mention the CA to the OC to enlist their assistance?
  2. billbauer

    billbauer Well-Known Member

    I'd pay the clerk of the court then dispute with the collection agency. There is a special way to do that which results in their either going away and removing it from your credit reports or getting sued in federal court.

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