I just got off the phone with a credit manager from Elder-beerman in Ohio. I had mailed them a nutcase/validation letter on 08/06/02. A few weeks later I received a letter back saying that this was my account and it would stay on my credit reports. Anyway, I told the credit manager that this was not my account. She looked in her computer and said that I show up as a joint owner on the account. I told her that I wasn't a joint owner that I was probably more like an authorized user. I argued with her that the information could have been entered into their computers wrong. I told her that I wanted something that beared my signature showing that I was a joint owner on this account. She said that she couldn't go all the way back to 1995! I said well, then you can't even verify this account! She says, "Oh yes I can, all I have to do is pull a sales receipt with your signature and this binds you to the agreement in the original contract." What? If the OC doesn't have to validate, how can I get them? Does anyone have any ideas? I'm so deflated. Sirrowan
Check your reports. Is it marked "in dispute". If not then you've got them. They may be willing to play ball if the amount you allegedly owe is not worth going to court over.
My reports are not marked in dispute. I guess that my problem is that they are the OC and somewhere on this board I read that OC's aren't required to validate. Is this true? But ya know what? I just looked at Experian and they reaged the account! Gottem there. Sirrowan
I would go with the re-agging of the account. It is important that you dispute all of the trade lines with the CRAs, especially EXP. THis way if it come down to it you would be able to sue. Try writting another letter of dispute to the OC. but use a little trickery. Tell them that you are unsure of this account and all the charges . You lost all your document in moves and can't be sure this is your debt. You were a victim of identity theft durring this time period and can't be sure this is one of the faudulent accounts. Try to sound credible & sincere. Perhaps out of sympathy, they will make an error. If they admitt they cant come up with the documentation. It might follow that they are not reporting accurrately. Try to collect more and more leverage against them and make them spend precious man hours tending to your dispute. All of this can be used as leverage for a settlement. If this account is past the sol you have nothing to lose. these are just some of my thoughts on this situation. I reallize you have already contacted these folks maybe they will not remember you. Or you can transition from being accusatory and demanding to being a victim who is unsure. In my case, I hope they appreciated my cunning attempts to trick them. Because they worked in 3 of 4 of my oc issues that have been delt with. Deletions!! Some for free one for a 25%($3000 savings) payment. MY TESTIMONY NOT LEGAL ADVICE
They are not required to validate per se, but as furnishers of information, they are required to notify the CRAs that the account is in dispute. If they don't, it's a violation. Gib