I was on the trail of a gulf state terrorist. I had nothing to do with the puppy. I swear it wasn't me. It just wasn't me. LOL
ROTFL Lizard, can you ask this person where to get this T-Shirt? I would LOVE to wear this to work. M
The asbestos wrapped around the pipes would not be harmful in that form. It has to be in what is called a "friable" form before it is harmful. That just means "dust" type form. However, if you were to hit that pipe with a hammer, the asbestos would probably break into a dust or powder form and it could be harmful.
Webmaster/Internet Architect (ASP, JSP, ColdFusion, Java, HTML, and DB's too!) I see I'm not alone here!
I work from home as a CSR for my local phone company. Hubby is a Supervisor for a large construction company.