Where can I get a list of OC and CA addresses? I noticed that when I got my fico report that the OCs and CAs are not listing their addresses anymore. I would like to work out a payment plan or lum sum payment with my latest TL that has been charged off a little over a year ago.
If you have a copy of your CR it will list the names and address, and sometimes the telephone numbers of all OC's that are reporting information, and any CA's too. If you don't have one you can sign up for a 30 day free monitoring service, which entitles you to a copy of your CR, and you can dispute on line, and view your credit report for 30 days. You will have to provide a credit card #, but if you cancel before the end of 30 days your credit card will not be charged. If you dispute on line, at the end of 30 days, they will send you an updated copy of your CR, and if anything is deleted it will show, and anything that they claim was verified will remain. Hope this helps.