Odd events in court

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by moxeee, Nov 9, 2005.

  1. moxeee

    moxeee Member

    Sued one of the big 3 for non compliance of FCRA/FACTA (wouldn't send free annual report after 2 requests). I even had a letter from them stating essentially, "since we received your summons, here is your CR". Case was heard by magistrate in a 10x10 room with a desk for magistrate and a 3x6 table for Plaintiff AND Defendant!! The magistrates desk faced us while we faced each other at the table. The CRA did NOT send an atty instead sent a Cust Rels Specialist. The magistrate advised her not address me directly and that she could only hear and not participate in the process. But immediately after my opening statement, he turned ASKED for her rebuttal!?!? After that one time asking for her rebuttal she responded to EVERY assertion I made and he actually encouraged it. And at one point she asked to address me directly and he allowed it! After she addressed me, she got up and handed a document to the magistrate and when I got up to hand over some of my own docs she walked back to our table and when I turned around she was reaching accross the table for one of my documents!! I pulled it away from her while telling her she couldn't do that. The magistrate then took her side and said "Well she's gonna see what I see eventually anyway. and that I had them on the table". I told him I didn't mind that she sees what I eventually hand in as evidence but she is NOT to reach across the table and attempt to take the plaintiffs docs!! What is scary is that when I look back at the whole event--I remember a point when he kept making me repeat things I was saying, for seemingly no reason. I guess she was looking at my documents then.

    This was my first court experience and I am awaiting a decision as of now. And whichever way it goes (I have a suspicion I had won at the halfway point) due to the pro-business atty appeared to be rather irritated the whole time. As if he resented that I even had the gall to even bring suit and would get frustrated when I handed him my evidence. After the check clears, I guess I can make the judge aware of what happened so that no other plaintiff has to go through what I did.
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Sounds like small claims court.
  3. moxeee

    moxeee Member

    Yep, small claims and in a relatively small town which usually won't have municipal facilities like where I am originally from. At least there, each party gets their own table like when my bro sued his drycleaner.
  4. moxeee

    moxeee Member

    Has anyone ever took issue with the court for the amount of time it takes a judge/magistrate to reach a decision? I should have had a decision a couple months ago.
  5. knielsen74

    knielsen74 Well-Known Member

    That almost sounds like mediation. Sorry to hear about the frustration. I'd be very disappointed.

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