In reply to my attorney regarding a TL that was include in my bk they said: (and I quote) "As for the accounts reporting on the credit file ... it is the bankruptcy court and CRA's responsibility to report bk information. Collection agency accounts are listed under public records, and are not considered trade lines therefore, accounts are lumped in when bk information is reported and are not individually coded as included in the bankruptcy." ?????????????????????????
lol Shaynl, They've never looked at a credit report, I'm guessing and missed the addition of section 623 specific to furnishers. Your attorney should enjoy addressing that one. I hope he/she asks for the law stating where any court anywhere is required to furnish information and similar for reporting at all. Sassy
I agree Sassy but evidently they feel that they are not obligated to that statute since the account was included in a bk. The fact alone that they think it's now a public record and no longer a trade line show's the level of their confusion. Shanyl
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Is that it??? Well that makes perfect sense. NOT Seriously, is there some type of statue they are misinterpreting or twisting for their benefit. How could they ever come to those conclusions?