# of mos for cl increase w/ Target?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mother2, Nov 8, 2001.

  1. mother2

    mother2 Well-Known Member

    How long before you can request a credit line increase? I thought it was 4 months but the rep told me 6mos to a year. HUH?! I thought I saw where someone went online to do their limit increase....or was it automated ?
  2. monicagee

    monicagee Well-Known Member

    check my posting from 11.6.01. Sorry not sure how to do a link.
  3. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    They raised my limit automatically after 4 billing cycles. When I tried the automated way, it said that my account had to be 6 months old.
  4. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    I was also told 6 mos but got one at 4. After your first increase you can do a phone request (automated) without any inquiry every 91 days like clockwork. You can expect 100 every 91 days your account is in good standing.

    any more than 100 and you get an inquiry and you do the request through a customer service rep.

    work your credit line to 1000 and it'll help your scores.
  5. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    I was by CS every 90days...I got my first one without asking after 4months....
  6. pweber

    pweber Member

    I received my first one after 2 months and just received another one after another 2 months. These were both done automatically.

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