Oh I'm really confused :(

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by 720mstry, Apr 7, 2007.

  1. 720mstry

    720mstry Well-Known Member

    Newbie asking for some help!!!!
    WHY is TC showing EXP as 498, while CE shows 567
    WHY is TC showing EQ as 553, while ScoreWatch Fico says 496?

    What I am asking is...WHICH one do lenders view? I know these are terrible scores either way but I'm just lost as to who/what/which is closest to accurate?
  2. westernacc

    westernacc Active Member

    Those are what every one calls "Fako" scores

    My fico.com are the one's you want.
  3. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    There are many "scoring" models out there, and they will use different scales. As posted, the "FICO" credit score is considered the standard. Go to www.myfico.com and you can retrieve your FICO score. Check the forum for discount codes to get a discount.

    Each industry will also modify the scoring models to fit their industry, and each lender will have different criteria for acceptance.

    If you get your FICO score, it will breakdown how lenders would look at your score.
  4. adcgroup

    adcgroup Well-Known Member


    I've got a 117 point swing between what TC says my Experian is and what a lender just pulled. There's a 54 point difference between what CE says and the real thing.

    TC is a TU product, and it's off by 78 points on the TU score!

    The only one that is remotely close to actual is Equifax's ScoreWatch. They're dead on. I got a notice from ScoreWatch a couple of days after the lender pulled saying that my Score had changed - and it was exactly what the lender pulled. I don't think they offer anything to pull the other 2 though, and there's no guarantee they'd be accurate anyway since it would pull the other bureaus' fakos.

    Bottom Line - MyFico
  5. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Don't let a "FAKO" higher score coerce you into buying a credit score for solely the sake of a different (read that "higher") number. Credit is a big business now, and everyone is trying to get a piece of the dollars floating around. Your best bet is still the FICO.
  6. 720mstry

    720mstry Well-Known Member

    well the 496 score it is then....
  7. 720mstry

    720mstry Well-Known Member

    18 total accounts
    5 open
    13 closed
    0 delinquent
    15 derogs
    5 pr's
    27 inqs

    approved for Target Red $200
    approved First Premier - unsecured- $250
    approved Imagine cc- unsecured $300
    Crown Jewelers
    *all done 3/31 & 4/1* First Premier already reporting
    spent 12 bucks on Target Red card
    spent 22 down payment on CJ

    any thoughts as to what if any raises in score I may see & the impact of having 4 additional open accounts? How do you have 0 delinquent but have derogs... I don't understand??

    I feel a credit fool.

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