I just stumbled across a site Repoman.com WHAT FREAKEN *edit* JERKS. Please please excuse my language but I have NEVER in my entire life seen such jerks. My husband does repos and he HAS NEVER treated anyone like these people.
Hey, Do you see the names of the people answering the posts? Make no mistake, they are repomen!!!! It was worth registering (not real name of course), just to see the stuff they are saying ;-( I know you should pay your car note, but the stuff they are saying there is just sad......;-(
Whenever hubby does a repo, the first thing he does is CALL the people and explain to them what is going to happen. I know that alot of 'repomen' would think that is stupid, but I am even amazed at the responses he gets. 50% of the time, he can get them to come up with the money, 40% of the time, he actually has these people CONVINCED that they should just go ahead and turn the car over if they can't pay. I have seen him MANY times actually get the people to meet him somewhere for him to pick the car up. How's that for an easy buck! LOL. Anyway, what it boils down to is these people cooperate b/c he treats them with respect. There are occasions when he has to "steal" the cars but not very often, and when it comes down to that he usually turns the job down.
Butch it is actually an advantage for him usually (people don't flame me for this, just being honest) It is an advantage because if he picks one up he gets first dibs on the car, he will offer the company a price, and they decide if they want to dump it or not, and they usually will. He also gets the repo fee and storage fee. If they don't want to dump it, he still gets repo fee, storage fee, plus 20% of the sale price when he sales it.
Your hubby sounds like a classy guy ;-) Thank goodness he is nothing like some of the creepy posters on that board (shudder). Too bad he can't go to that board and show them how a 'professional gentleman repo man' does it. The posters on that board probably wouldn't understand how to treat someone with 'respect', so your hubby would be wasting his time there!! ;-)
Really?!!! I want a 2002 Firebird. Black with Black windows. No, I want a Red one, with Black windows. No, I want a Pewter one, with Black windows. So many colors Firebirds come in, so little time!!! ;-)
Honestly Mennequinn, he does not do it full time, he is contracted out by the local Financing companies for the simple fact that he can sell the car for more than they can. Here is the scenario, you go to a auction, if the dealers see that it is a financing company selling the dealers KNOW it is a repo, therefore they will bid VERY low on the car because they KNOW that the financing company is going to sell the car no matter what it brings, whereas if a dealer (my husband) takes the car to the auction the dealers will bid higher because it is from another dealer and they know that he won't let the car go for nothing. But the advantage goes to my husband b/c he gets to offer first and usually they will take his offer. It benefits him and them.
Anyway, I just wanted to point out what JERKS are on that site. I started to post after a couple of things I read but decided against it, it just made me so mad reading that stuff b/c like I said I have NEVER seen my husband treat ANYBODY like that, if anything, he really does go out of his way to help these people work something out with the company, but if they don't he does use it to his advantage.
If you plan on buying Butch, it better within the next week, otherwise I suggest waiting until about June, if you seriously wanted to get a car, if you have the money, let him know EXACTLY what you wanted and how much you want to spend, I have seen him only charge people 200 bucks as a buyers fee. I am sure you are kidding, but food for thought!!
For, all of the day people. I thought some might like to go over to this board and say a few words to these jerks.
Hi T, This thread is very informative. I didn't know all of the in's and out's of the repo industry. Your husband is a quality guy and is lucky to have you as his wife and by his side. By the way, I can wait until June and I am looking for a Yukon Denali ... :O)
What a disturbing thread.....and what a bunch of freaks over there.....LMAO!!!!! Which one of you guys/girls called them "hillbillies".. GREATNESS....GENUIS.....
tnobles, Your husband is a classy guy. Those guys are a pompous, egotistical jerks. I used to work 911 dispatch, and the calls we got from people in the front yard being confronted by repo men were truly astounding. Vehicles taken at gunpoint, with baseball bats, etc. When it could have usually been handled with tact and courtesy like your husband. Give him a big hug and put me on the wish list for a late 90's Chev Z71 4x4 for my husband.
Next time he does a Cadillac STS let me know, I'll cut ya a deal. Butch ======================= For me it don't have to be a Cad. I'll settle for a Touota pick up with auto. air & p/s. Why are auto loans not subject to suit before Possession just like every thing else? LB 59