Oh my gosh what am I suppose to do?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Hollie, May 5, 2009.

  1. Hollie

    Hollie Member

    Ok so whatâ??s next? I sent off the Validation letter to like 20 CA two weeks ago. I have received many Account Validation letters back in the last few days. Most of the letters are just giving me the name of the OC and the account numbers and that sort of thing. Nothing really, validating its mine. But I guess I am confused on what is actual proof. What would be considered real proof that the debt is mine? Can this letter they send me just be enough? Do I now have to negotiate and pay it? I was hoping to get some of this bad debt off my reports. Then start paying off what I could nort delete. Am I doing this all wrong? Most of the accounts are within the last 4 years, and are mine.
    I figured most companies would not be able to validate its mine, but seems like 90% of the CA have sent me letters back with some kind of account info. Donâ??t I send another letter to the CA saying the letter they sent is not validating its mine? There has to be more hope for me. Please help me.
  2. ccbob

    ccbob Well-Known Member

    The purpose of validation isn't to prove to you that you owe the debt, it's to verify they are talking to the right person about the right debt. If, after receiving what they sent you, you think they are mistaken (e.g. the bill isn't yours) then you can deal with that. (That doesn't mean they'll believe you, but at least you'll know).

    If the bill is yours and it's just a matter of you not wanting to pay or being able to pay, that's a different matter.

    That's the text book. If you want to go on the offensive, then the purpose of validation is to get them to violate the FDCPA so you can take them to court. Beyond the validation letter, this has a very different strategy, tactical approach, and end goal.

    It sounds like what they sent you would count as FDCPA validation so you are left with trying to negotiate or just wait 'til they can't be reported any more. If you're going to negotiate, look on this site for "non disclosure."

    Good luck.

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