Oh Please Help Me Quick//2

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by starjones, Aug 17, 2004.

  1. starjones

    starjones New Member

    First let me say thanks to all for being so kind in this matter and helping all you can.

    I have been reading like crazy for over an hour on everything I can find in post of others so maybe I can see where I can help myself!

    Correct me if I'm wrong about what I'm going to say.

    FIRST, My chapter 13 is supposed to be removed after 7 Years, HOWEVER they really have 10 to do it. correct? Can I ask nicely for them to remove it?

    SECOND, If I can even get to a human, do they have the athority to remove it since it has been over 7 years? And how quick can they remove it? instantly or will it take a month even if they could. AND if they can and will. Can I get them to send or fax a letter stating that they are removing it.

    Thanks Again STAR
  2. credit6949

    credit6949 Well-Known Member

    It was my understanding a Chapter 7 discharge deletes after 7 years and a Chapter 13 comes off 7 years AFTER you make your final plan payment. Why? Because you only receive a Chapter 13 discharge after successfully completing the plan.

    This is where the 10 years comes from for Chapter 13. Most plans are 3 years in duration although they can be as long as 5 in which case the deletion time runs longer respectively.

    If someone on the forum has heard differently, please jump in.
  3. dwarner

    dwarner Active Member

    i filed chap 7. it is 10 years for a chapter seven and 7 for a chapter 13. it will be 10 years in jan for me. Believe me its 10 long years.
  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    read my last post on your other thread
  5. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    The years are calculated from the date of FILING ...not the date of discharge (or dismissal)

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