I am now working on my reports. Hubby is about done. I have a few questions. Checked all 3 reports and to be frank, I am kicking ass and taking names. Here are a few questions. If you can offer ANY help I would appreciate it. 1. 1 60 day 2 30 day lates on mortgage. Only on Experian. These were deleted with CHOD and then reinserted. This is a closed account. I do not have the deletion letter. What should I do here? This was the first and only thing of mine that I did before I decided to take care of hubbys report first. 2 If I do get this deleted and I apply for a mortgage will they still check the prior history of this loan? 3. Citi is not reporting a 7 month card on hubbys report with no lates. One is at appx 1/4 usage the other just under 50% Should I push to get these to show up? thanks in advance.
1) Reinsertion. Did they the follow the law and notify you? Otherwise you have a violation if you can prove it. Deal for removal 2)dont know 3) I would leave it off. Just a hunch.
yea, make sure you received proper notification of reinsertion. Before adding the cards, I would check hubbies present debt-income on report now. remember, try to get around 30%. if adding these raises that number, leave them alone.