Old Acct Pay for delete question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ervphoto, Aug 13, 2006.

  1. ervphoto

    ervphoto Active Member

    I have a CA that has reported on my file for about 4 1/2 years, they just have Account Disputed on my tagline. I dont think they ever provided me proof, and I kick myself for not follow-up on this. Now they've seen me a letter wanting to settle the account for a significant reduced amount.

    My question, 1 can they contact me with the account actually still being in a dispute status as indicated on my credit bureau.

    I plan on making it plain and clear that I'll settle for a full deletion off my credit bureaus only, and no junk paid collections or paid less than owed.

    My other question is since this is a old debt(CA) will it impact my credit score if it's removed?.

    Anyone have any example letters for will pay for full delete, can they update the bureau immediately?

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