I have an old Citibank line of credit that wrongly reports as closed by grantor. It was an overdraft line of credit which I closed when I moved. I did take awhile to pay it off, but I closed the account. Is this worth disputing? I am still a Citibank member in another town and have a good relationship with them: many citi cards, waived fees on my citibank account, etc. I'm considering calling Citi to ask them to rectify this but don't want to risk bringing bad attention to myself. Thank you for any insight.
This happened to me with a GEMB account and even after getting a letter in writting, only one CRA would correct it. In my opinion it is a wasted dispute.
Do you still owe money on it?? Are you sure? How old is it and what is wrong with bringing attention to yourself at this juncture? I would most likely dispute it as inaccurate without giving details and let the Citibank and the CRA figure out what is inaccurate.