I paid off a credit card from Wachovia bank card services in April of 1997. Since I had been delinquent they sent me through their bill collectors. I paid a total of $2,500.00 which was what I owed. I am being hounded by credit collectors who say they have "bought my debt". Apparently when I paid wachovia off, they did not report it to the credit bureau or if they did, the credit bureau didn't put it on my credit statement. I have made numerous calls to Wachovia who claims that they no longer have any records and have ordered copies of my credit report all in vain..the bill is no longer on my credit report but I am sick of the bill collectors saying that I owe them money when I don't. Besides hiring a lawyer which I cannot afford, what can I do? This last bill collector is saying that he is going to charge me interest..how can this be? I learned a lesson though from all of this..NEVER THROW AWAY A BILL THAT HAS BEEN MARKED PAID IN FULL!
Send a Validation Letter, being the OC has no records they wont be able to fully validate the debt. I'm sure someone can give you more insight on the whole VL thing being I am still waiting on a response from one I sent in. Good Luck! I just read this, it was paid off in 97, the SOL is up and the 7 years are almost up, As opposed to a VL send them a SOL letter. Anyone else elaborate?