OLd Debt

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by milkface, Aug 9, 2004.

  1. milkface

    milkface Active Member

    Sorry for those blank posts! Anyway, it just so happens I got a letter from a collection agency for a debt that was charged off in February of 98. This debt does not appear on any of my credit reports, and is past the SOL. What type of letter should i fire off to these people to let them know I will not be paying this debt?
  2. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    Click the link in my signature :)

    Go to WhyChat's site.

    Get the notification of time-barred status in the special letters section.

    Look up your states SOL code section, and plug it in, and fire it off. :)
  3. milkface

    milkface Active Member

  4. Flyingifr

    Flyingifr Well-Known Member

    How about....

    what debt????

    signed (your name).

    If they sue, it's an automatic FDCPA violation.
  5. milkface

    milkface Active Member

    Thanks, I have done research on this "collection agency", Lenahan Law Office, and it seems they enjoy breaking the law.

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