Old derog showed up again.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jdtsp, Mar 20, 2006.

  1. jdtsp

    jdtsp Member

    I've got an old derog that showed up on my report again. What should I do?

    HouseHold Bank
    Account No.: 20**** Type: Unsecured Payment:
    Date Opened: 06/01/1999 Balance: $1000 Terms:
    Date Reported: 12/01/2001 High Balance: $1000 Limit:
    Past Due: $1000 Condition: Derogatory Responsibility: Individual
    Status: Collection/Chargeoff
    Remarks: Collection Account
    Canceled by credit grantor

    Now it says it's held by Palisades with first reported as "3/1/06"
  2. knielsen74

    knielsen74 Well-Known Member

    Is that the tradeline being reported? Or is the tradeline being reported by Palisades? Did Palisades buy the debt from Household?
  3. jdtsp

    jdtsp Member

    Palisades must have bought the tl from Household.
  4. knielsen74

    knielsen74 Well-Known Member

    It's a pretty old debt, according to your CR. Check your state SOL laws, and then I'd dispute the new TL too.
  5. jdtsp

    jdtsp Member

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