Old paid Amex collection

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Ellen, Jan 2, 2002.

  1. Ellen

    Ellen Active Member

    I'm having a problem getting an an old Amex account removed, and I was wondering if anyone has had success in removing an old account by them. I had an account with them from 10/93-6/96. I fell into some bad times, and stopped paying them, when I got back on my feet (financially) in early 1998, I paid them back.

    When I started credit repair early last year, I saw that amex was listed as an open account on all three, but as a piad collection. I started disputing and it came off TU immediatly. It remained on EX and EQ.

    Then in my 9/01 reports, the status on these two reports changed, though it was not in dispute at the time with either. On EX, it was moved into the satisfactory accounts section with no lates listed, but "CLOSED AT CREDIT GRANTOR'S REQUEST" on report until 8/08, and on EQ, it's listed as a CLOSED, 120+ PAST DUE with a zero balance, scheduled to come off 8/03.

    I was thinking of trying to dispute it on EQ, but I don't want it to be changed to a derog on TU or EX.

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