In 2002 I had a car repo'd because I lost my job and couldn't pay the payment. They sold the car and applied the amount to my balance which left (i'm assuming) $2255. I haven't heard anything from them for years. After they repo'd it they didn't contact me at all. Now they are the big sore thumb on my credit reports. But all 3 reports say different things! TU says Balance is $2255 - Charged-Off as bad debt EX says Balance 0 - But charged -off $2255 EQ says High Credit $13,000, Balance $14,000 past due $1104 - Current status: Reposession From studying up, it seems I should contact the company and have them Verify first, but I am unsure. This is my biggest ding and I really need it off my report. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Jake
I would be very very careful with this one. Please check the SOL in your state before kicking that bear. If you are within SOL then you will have them after you in a BIG way to collect on the deficiency. That could land you in court looking at a judgement, and any payment you make now will just reset the 7 year reporting clock. There are a lot of experts on this board so I may be wrong, but my advice is to be really quiet until the clock runs out. Poochie
Yeah, I figured this one was a tough one. Sometimes it's best to let sleeping dogs lie I guess. Unfortunately I live in Kentucky where the SOL is 15 years. The thing is, I would be willing to pay it if they took it off my reports. I do owe the money after all. The error on my EQ is killing me. Thanks for your advice!
It looks like the three reports differ slightly. You might have some leverage there, since that means that somebody is reporting inaccurate information. Are these 3 TLs from the same creditor? Is it an OC or CA?
My EQ one is the one that is way off. It says I still owe 14k. All 3 TL's are from the OC. I'm going to do some research on the company, and see what other people have said about them. Thanks Squeek!