Old student loans are haunting me.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by whome?, Feb 9, 2008.

  1. whome?

    whome? Member

    I have someone dunning me for old student loans where I am sure one was paid-off and the other's stutus is unsure.
    Different companies keep telling me that they "bought" my loans and now I must pay them. I will follow the advise on the board about requirring validation.

    The company that has one loan I paid sent me a letter stating that I paid my loans in 1996 (I even got a refund for overpayment back then). They sent me a copy of my orginal contract, too. I am absolutley sure this loan is paid off and just talked to the lender to confirm this 2 years ago. BUT I found out yesterday that is listed as UNPAID on the student loan website where all your loans are listed. A company that I have never heard of is listed as the creditor.

    Another company harrassed me two years ago saying they own that loan.
    I asked them to send me validation that they bought my loan just to see what they would send me since I knew the loan was paid. I heard from them for a while and then asked them not to contact me again until they sent me the proof of their claim. I havent heard from them since then.

    The real problem I am having is that NO ONE person can tell me who actually last owned one student loan and BOTH loans are showing up as unpaid on the Student loan website. The mystery loan is recorded as being with the PHEA but when I called then a couple years ago, they said they didnt have that loan. I am not in their system.I called and called everyone I was referred to and could not find the info I needed. I ran around in circles.

    I DO have a copies of the original contracts I filled out... the loans are over 20 years old. One was called a "slush" loan I think.
    I hired an attorney who only found that one lender back in 1995. He did send the final payment to the one lender on that loan and I have his letter confirming it.

    But I thought he had found all the lenders I needed to find, and now I am not sure that he did find them. This loan seems to be out there lurking ready to jump up and bite me on the butt when I least expect it.

    In these years, I have bought two homes and never had anyone mention this. I also returned to college (and graduated, thank God) and have additonal student loans currently in repayment. Noone mentioned any defaulted loans to me.

    About a month ago, I checked my cr, and the one mystery loan is on my report, but isnt listed as paid or not paid : its status is "transfered to another lender" and dated well over 7 years ago.
    Can I ask the credit bureau to take that off my report since its so old?

    Do I just need to send whoever sends me demands for payment the validation request until I may get to the end of the line and find out who I truly owe, if I do owe the money?

    I know this is confusing. I'm not sure how I can explain it any better.

    thanks for any help anyone can give me.
  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Yes, you need to send requests for validation insofar as these are most certainly debt collectors at this stage of the game.
  3. whome?

    whome? Member

    thank you for your response.

    I am sure that the first people who contacted me over two years ago were running some sort of scam.

    They said they had bought a loan that I had defaulted on. (I PAID that loan years ago and have receipts)

    The first paper they sent me was an application form to the government to have my student loan forgiven because the school had been declared corrupt. It had closed shortly after I attended. Since these people "bought" my loan, the government would pay THEM and I wouldnt have to and so on.

    I wish that I had had the sense to get a tape recorder. They were clearly trying to do something wrong.

    Some statements were:

    What difference does it make to you(that I had already paid); You wont have to repay the money, the gov. will!
    Just sign the papers and all this goes away!

    Finally I asked them for proof that they had bought my loan and they stopped calling me.

    What I am confused about is: If some company truly thinks they bought my loan(s) why didn't they contact me before now?
  4. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a scam.

    As to whoever owns it now, they might have just recently got your contact information.

    In any event, request validation.
  5. whome?

    whome? Member

    the really frustrating part is that I WANT to pay what I owe and I have tried to pay it. I paid the one loan but now a new lender is listing as owing it.

    I tried to pay the second loan and each place pointed to the other and all said they didnt have my loan.

    How in the world will I ever know this is all finished with?

    the loans are 2600. and 1500. Someone is trying to collect on both these loans now...

    its just so darn frustrating to pay and try to pay and still get run thru the ringers.

    thanks for you help

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