Old Tuition bill resurfacing

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by rdhdscrpio, Jun 11, 2007.

  1. rdhdscrpio

    rdhdscrpio Member

    I was in graduate school back in 1999 when I lost my job. I withdrew from school, but it was past the date of getting any money back (was to depressed to finish off the semester).

    I have been out of work since then, with the exception of a few part time jobs around the holidays to help out with Christmas bills, becoming a stay at home mom.

    I just got a notice from a collection agency about this debt. I did not sign a promissory note or any type of loan form. This was money out of my pocket (and would have been repaid to me by my employer).

    I'm trying to decide what the SOL is for this type of bill. Would this be considered a written contract? I live in the state of Missouri. Just need to know so I know what kind of letter to send to the CA.

  2. Flyingifr

    Flyingifr Well-Known Member

    With the absence of anything in writing I would be hard pressed to call it a Written Contract. That, however, is secondary.

    Of primary import is the fact that as a SAHM you are what is commonly referred to as "Judgment Proof" - meaning that even if they can sue, and they do, there is very little they can do with the Judgment. Missouri is not a Community Property state, so DH has no responsibility for the debt.
  3. rdhdscrpio

    rdhdscrpio Member

    That's what I figured, what with no real income. So what should I do about this CA? What kind of letter should I send out? I don't want to be bothered with the inevitable phone calls or have them try to put it on my CR (it's not there yet).
  4. Flyingifr

    Flyingifr Well-Known Member

    Since the debt is from 1999 it better NOT appear on your credit report, since it's past the 7 year reporting limit (unless it's a Federal Student Loan, but you said nothing was in writing and all these are in writing).

    What should you tell them? I can think of a couple of things but the Mods may consider it too colorful language. Here are some starters...

    "I'm a SAHM and will be one for the next 15 years. Care to wait?"

    "I have no income, no bank account and a very young child. Want the kid in full settlement? I warn you - once you have the kid, no returns."


    Just curious - if you already prepaid the tuition and were awaiting your employer's reimbursement which never came, what are they coming after you for?
  5. rdhdscrpio

    rdhdscrpio Member

    I had been paying off the semester each payday, but losing my job suddenly ended the ability to make the payments. That was the remainder of the $3000 for the semester. I would have been paid in full prior to the end of the semester so I could submit it for reimbursement.

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