OMG A$$et

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by chelechele, Mar 25, 2005.

  1. chelechele

    chelechele Well-Known Member

    I just got off of the phone w/ them. I had to call to see waht they would say. I requested validation in May of 2004, they send back a collection screen printout w/ my current address and say they obtained it from the original creditor. I didn't live at my current address according to the date of last activity on their printout.

    I send another letter to them in June of 2004 letting them know that they have not sent validation. no response.

    Isend a thrid letter in Aug of 2004 stating that printouts are unnacceptable validation and that they lied as well as time barred C&D. Also that I called the OC and they have no record of me No response.

    I call today and speak w/ this chick that says yes they did validate b/c they sent a printout. I asked her where the proof was that I owed the debt. She says and get this, "we have to order those documents and yours were ordered, but we never received them. I will reorder them again." Are you freaking kidding me? I said well, you had 30 days back in May of 2004 to get me those docs. Where the heck are they? Mars? She asked me to call compliance dept. Hmmmm...

    Any thoughts?
  2. debtsucks

    debtsucks Member

    This is why you stay off the phone with a CA and do everything CMRRR...especially with companies like a**hole acceptance.
  3. chelechele

    chelechele Well-Known Member

    I have done all CMRR, however, I wanted to know what they had to day.

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