I am SOOO excited. My hubby's student loans were officially discharged as of a letter received today!! I just have to tell someone-- almost 20K in loans + interest are official gone AND he gets a refund of the amount that was taken from our income tax. Long time ago, I posted concerning this... I will not repeat unless someone is in a similar situation (proprietary school loans and lender fraud issues). Anyhoo, I was told he should contact the Ombudsman by someone on this board, uniondiva I believe which started the process of getting the loans discharged. I am so excited!! I will have to look back to find out exactly who it was, but I will thank Uniondiva now cause I think that was who got us started on the right track Creditnet rocks!
OK- Official thanks go out to UNIONDIVA and WHYSPERS AND for suggestions that led us to Ombudsman. Auxillary thanks go out to LB59 for posting what I already knew (lol- I appreciate the moral support nonetheless)... "no one should pay 20K for something they never received." YOUR THE BEST!
U.S. Department of Education FSA Ombudsman 830 First Street, NE Fourth Floor Washington, DC 20202-5144
OMG, I am so happy for you!!!... make sure he spends a little of that refund to take out somewhere really nice((((((((hugs))))))))))))))) to you, It is great to hear some really positive CN stories.. I am so glad I could help!
Congrats on that. I dealt with the Ombudsman earlier this year, and had good results as well. Granted, I had to go up the chain of command, I even wrote a letter to Mr. Bush!
Awesome, Kit!!!! Glad to have been of help and happy to be included in any post along with Uniondiva L
Any advice for me regarding a student loan situation. This is the link to the thread: http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&pgnum=2&postid=273778#post273778
I went to the Ombudsman's link and completed the online assistance form. I also have faxed a nutcase letter to the lender and guarantor. I guess I'll have to wait and see what happens. Despite all of this, my scores are still in the 7s. It's just an eye-sore to see that stinking tradeline.
I wish I had some advice for you... fortunately, my hubby's student loans had long since fallen off his report, so our issue was never with credit reporting. Perhaps the ombudsman can do something... maybe they will talk to Citibank directly? My only suggestion when dealing with ombudsman... you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.