hmmmmmm Palisade doesn't really sound familiar but they could have added through Butch's post maybe the answer's in there? Sorry! Take Care!
Altmom, You are very helpful no doubt. Here is my situation- Gulf state, the company also goes by OSI and Palisade Collections name reporting â??collectionâ? to my personal credit file for nothing first they reported by the name of Gulf State and I called them and they said sorry it is a mistake and they sent me letter twice stating the company is sorry about the mistake. Immediately after that they reported collection to my credit file again and that time with the name of OSI. I called angrily and they apologized again for that mistake .A month later today (6-19-02) when I was checking my credit report online I found a collection record reported from Palisade Collection, a possible sister company of gulf state credit . Here is what they are doing, They tend to delete and then reinsert the same account under a different name (i.e. OSI or Palisade collections) And after harassing you with all those They sell the account again to someone else and still report it with CRA continuously and this game seems like never will end. So please suggest me something ,altmom. Thanks again
Are the account numbers the same? So when GS reports is ti the sme # as OSI? Also get it IN WRITING that they made the mistake and are deleting the file. They are VERY VERY VERY bad about NOT deleting tradelines, I can't tell you how many times I said "well now aren't we suppose to delete this?" and I would get a "yeah, but who cares? they'll never know, and besides it'll fall of in 7 yrs" Also they CONTINUALLY report so that it WON'T Fall off after 7yrs of the original date so you have GOT to watch that also. I say document EVERYTHING if they say that they are going to do something, record it (let them know you're recording them) and then get them to fax you can get an e-mail type fax number at I would also read the FCRA and FDCPA, if you haven't already. GOOD LUCK! sorry I can't be of more help than that. Fighting them is tough they play dirty! Take Care!
Mhoss, You've been around since Nov. 2001 and have started numerous threads. Please make yourself INTIMATELY familiar with FCRA and FDCPA. B.
Fair Credit Reporting Act Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
Easy there hoss! Butch told you the truth. Nothing else we do on this board makes any sense until you, or any newbie, does some homework. Search the board for posts on FCRA and FDCPA. Read the laws themselves. Mindcrime2 even provided you with convenient links (I didn't hear you say thanks, BTW). Study, and then ask good questions. You'll be surprised how much help you get. But, a lot of the discussions, if not most, assume that you have taken the time to acquire a basic knowledge of the subject. That's your job, not ours. I know it's probably a waste to even try to talk reason with someone who so quickly jumps into name calling for lack anything intelligent to say, but hey, we all have our "Off' days, and everybody deserves a second chance. Make the most of it.