? on settlement w/business debt

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by avoeg, Apr 23, 2005.

  1. avoeg

    avoeg Member

    DH is a sole proprietor. He owed yellow book 4k. Was making payments. Acct. got sent to collections. Worked out pmt plan w/them, they came to a settlement amt 2,300. Kept up with the payments. Never missed one.

    The woman we've been dealing with is no longer w/this CA. New guy is nasty. Called and wants the balance of $750. by end of month. I said I want a letter detailing it all and want all neg. marks removed.

    He wants to know what game I am playing. I said none, send me the letter. Should get that on Monday via fax.

    What do you recommend? I can't find this on dh's business CR, I don't know if it's on his personal CR.
    Nasty guy said we'd still owe them the original amt and would be default on it, but we could pay the $750 settlement. I don't understand that. I told him I'd have to let my lawyer look the letter over. (don't have one). He asked what game I am playing.

    Is he saying they plan on coming after us anyway for the original balance? This guy can't keep his stories straight. Very hard to deal with.

    So, what do you recommend? What should we do? Just send them the $750? That is all that is left on the settlement agreement.
  2. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    bumping to top for you
  3. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    We need to know if this is business debt or personal.

    Is it on his pers. CR?

    Did you have your pers. credit checked to qualify for the debt?

    Have you ever used PERSONAL checks to make a pmt?


    And NO - I wouldn't acquiesce to this joker. Just keep up with your agreement with the other lady.

    My reply: "We already have an agreement. I'll be sticking to that, thank you".

    In the meantime if we can use a payoff as leverage to get a deletion, or promise to refrain, then great.

  4. avoeg

    avoeg Member

    Thanks for your reply.

    I didn't get an answer soon enough and have already mailed off the check. This is not on his cr. They didn't do a credit check to give him the credit.

    Since he is a sole proprietor, I'd assume this is a personal debt, but I am not sure.

    I paid with personal checks.

    Nothing I can do about it now. This guy didn't give me much time to think on it.
  5. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Well ... maybe it won't show.


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