I have deleted 2 negative accounts by calling experian. They were duplicates to two other posts. Score went up 2 whole points. I sent 2 goodwill adjustment letters to Pioneer Military Lending and Rome Finance, but I do not have a whole lot of faith. Probably screwed myself by calling AAFES. She was not rude, but she made me sound like an idiot. The account was a charge off a year ago. I have paid them down to $200 and they still show a charge off, but with the current balance. My problem is this. I have 12 negative tradlines. some are with the same company. 2 (Pioneer military and Rome Finance) are current, but show a open/current/ "was collection" or "Was past Due" 2 individual write offs from First premier, both paid through CA Accounts Receivable Management. Then they opened a third tradeline 3 months later restating the first account was not paid. About to sue them over that. 3. Fingerhut collection of $1760 4 Fort sill national bank 3200 written off (may be able to dispute the balance) 5. 2 service credit union charge offs for 332 and 1024 I have 2 positives: CAC for car loan: open, never late Merrick bank: paid/never late Experian score: 557 As you can tell, most of my debt was occured in the military. You tell them you have a small debt problem, They take your rank, your BAS and BAH which makes it even harder on your budget. I am paying off a couple of these at a time by paying monthly payment arrangements. I'm Getting nowhere fast. I have read this site and posts until my eyes bleed. I need help. Somebody please give me some advice as to where to start. Thanks
Jeremy, Frustration is common here. Be persistent and things will start to look up. Your score will not go up much from simply removing 2 out of 14 negatives (leaving 12) and only having 2 positive listings. In fact it may not even go up very much removing 10 more and only having 2 positive listings. The ONLY way your score is going to go up is by establishing a history of on-time payments, and having a healthy mix of credit (more than just 2 positive llistings). Keep disputing the listings with the CRA's. If one comes back verified, skip it for a month or so and go on to another listing. Dispute 4 or so at a time and work from oldest listings to newer ones because they tend to be a bit easier to delete in the dispute phase. Begin validation on CA accounts that are past SOL. As time goes on you will find that your score will go up, but rest assured if you are "flustrated" now, you will never make it, there is much much much more "flustration" to come. Good Luck. -Peace, Dave
when i started last november I think I may have had one positive account and about 16 negatives... be patient.. by the CHOD season, expect all my scores will be mid 600's moving close to seven... read the FAQ's and ask a lot of questions... it won't be long.
Jeremy, Welcome.. I am in the military as well and know how badly a change of command can react to bad debt.. My situations is that most of my debt was incurred before the military and now that I am about to leave I am starting to realize how important having a good healthy credit is. Renting an apartment without the help of the military is tough and the prospects of buying a house is so out of my reach.... Just one advice I find that you have to make the whole credit repair thing a hobby.. almost an obsession. It takes time... Takes LOTS of time!! from what you posted I think you have a good chance of having most of that stuff fixed up... I have been in this for a few months now and I still read this board plenty of time.. oh well.. good luck... seriously... !!
I'll tell you something that may or may not help you pick up some steam with your deletions. Many people say don't bother sending validations to original creditors because they are not required to validate. This is true. However it is not validation you are really after. You need ammo to use against them and leverage to make them delete. The way you do this is by causing them to accumulate violations. The quickest way is to ask for validation from an OC. They of course will ignore you which is what you want because most likely they will also neglect to mark your account as "in dispute" with the cra's which they are required to do once they receive your validation letter. Remember they don't have to validate but they must mark your account "in dispute" If they do not it is violation #1. Next I would dispute the account with the cra they (the oc will probably verify) this is fine because this is also violation#2. They are continuing collection activity by verifying the account with the cra after they are aware that you dispute the account. Next step would be my estoppel intent to sue combo. It saves time and still helps with your credibility when you go to court because you can show a good faith effort to resolve the matter before going to court. The estoppel intent to sue combo is designed to hit them with a double whammy. First the estoppel probably won't apply to them because they don't have to verify, but it is my experience that when they see that you have them on more than one violation and of course when you file you will include filing fees it very well may be in their best interest to delete and be done with you. Entire process takes about 60 days but if you so this with multiple accounts at once you may see a huge improvement in only two months. Sorry for the length but I appreciate when people answer my questions thoroughly so I try to do the same. Good Luck!
Thanks to all who has advice. I believe I am getting a more complete picture. I am sure to have a few more questions down the road. You guys have been extremely helpful. Thanks
Robin, That was some great advise. I got 4 deletions just from the CRA but 8 verified. Now after reading your response I have a new plan of action. thanks.
It takes time... Takes LOTS of time!! cibomatto ================== I don't see any excuse for it taking so long to correct things that never should have been reported in the first place.Do you?
The quickest way is to ask for validation from an OC. They of course will ignore you which is what you want because most likely they will also neglect to mark your account as "in dispute" with the cra's which they are required to do once they receive your validation letter. Remember they don't have to validate but they must mark your account "in dispute" If they do not it is violation #1. Next I would dispute the account with the cra they (the oc will probably verify) this is fine because this is also violation#2. They are continuing collection activity by verifying the account with the cra after they are aware that you dispute the account robin ************========------------- Great point: I never saw this angle before and i see everything. -- LOL