Hi, I did post this question previously but unfortunately I did not get any advice yet. I thought trying it once more would not hurt . (Promise: this is the last time) I did never before had to deal with such issues and I don't know what is the best way to do it. Could somebody please give me any advice? -------------------- My fiancee has an unpaid student loan - about 7K. The original private loan about $2500 was through a bank. The rest of the $7000 is interest accumulated . By now this debt has been sold to different collection agencies more than 4 times. We would like to get this record off her CR. What is the best way to deal with this so that at the end we pay the minimum possible? Should I call the collection agency and offer that I'll pay 40/50/60 % of the $7000 or should we offer to pay off the original amount owed? Can anybody give me a good advice on dealing with this? Thanks, Peter