one unpaid medical collection never got bill

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by james1982, Jul 5, 2007.

  1. james1982

    james1982 Member

    My credit is still shot so been working on wifes a little more and only one collection left. We never got any bills prior we though her last insurance company had paid but turns out this was in May 06 while insurance was elapsed anyways its not that huge of bill $450 but we never even got bill as of today. However a daily alert as has informed us of this collection after fighting with hospital billing dept etc they said they were going remove this. Now to notify the credit bureaus so we disputed came back today verfied with different phone # for collection dept now we call they say they will not remove its a valid collection. I read on here before that if you never got bills we lived at same address that couldn't be placed on reports is this correct?

    Thanks in advance
  2. phantom

    phantom Well-Known Member

    >>I read on here before that if you never got bills we lived at same address that couldn't be placed on reports is this correct?<<

    Unfortunately, I've never heard of that before. If the debt is valid it can be listed on your (wife's) report. Using the logic above everyone that was delinquent on anything could claim they never got a bill.

    Did you get anything in writing from the hospital saying they would remove it?

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