I saw where the PO now allows you to do an online certified mail, return receipt letter. Has anyone tried this with any success? If you send a validation letter, don't you have a problem with the fact you did not actually sign it? Will the PO lose the receipt like they do with regular certified mail?
Yup...I do it regularly. I signed up for EStamps.com because I hate going to the post office for any reason! You can pick up a stack of both of the forms needed (PS Form 3800 and PS Form 3811) from any post office or you can order them free of charge from http://www.usps.com and have them delivered to your home. You get some free postage when you sign up with Estamp(s).com, and they have two packages....I went with the $5.00 a month package and it has been terrific! When you run out of postage, you simply click a button to order more. L
Uhg...never mind...you seem to be speaking about something else. The only way I know of to do it online is above. L (muttering about reading more carefully before posting)
I do them all the time except when I need to enclose additional paperwork. I have never had any problems.
I've been toying with the idea of using the USPS online letters but I'm still wary of it. I've been using the signature confirmation service and it's great! No worries about green cards not getting signed or lost in the return mail...the carrier delivers it and they gotta sign! Kinda hard to miss that neon pink sticker! The day after it's delivered I print out the confirmation online and also have the signer's actual signature faxed automatically.
If someone could explain to me how that works (the USPS cert online deal I mean). I read up on it a couple months ago, but at that time they were waying they couldn't support graphics files. So, that means I can't copies of any letters and also can't do my signature. I've been using USPS priority with sig confirmation and it works well.
I've used it 5 times now for original creditor validation and CRA disputes. It still doesn't support graphics. But I haven't been called on the "no signature" as of yet. I've received all my green cards back. If I have any enclosures or the letter is more than one page, I go to the post office for normal CRRR.
Been using it for a while. It's a little more expensive but beats waiting in line at the Post Office. Interesting thing though, it prints your document on a tri-fold card, not stationary. I got one back in a correspondance from a CA.
I emailed USPS. They told me that we will still get the green card in the mail. That's wonderful. The only thing that I do not like is that I cannot include the CRRR number on my letters because its not given to you until after you have already mailed the letter.