Online dispute Vs. CMRRR

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by fireman, Nov 14, 2005.

  1. fireman

    fireman New Member

    Im a newbie and was wondering what is the best way to dispute credit reports. I pulled all 3 today and I was ready to begin with my disputes. To make along story short, I went through a lenghty divorce that caused alot of credit problems. I have researched this site as well as creditboards and have finally began to ask questions. If anyone can advise my next step please help!!
  2. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Each type of dispute does have advantages, and it depends upon your situation, and types of disputes you are entering.

    If you are just starting out, I would dispute on-line as "Not Mine" to start with. Be sure to print out all confirmations and documents as records (you may need these later on, in further disputes).

    As you progress in the process, you may be limited to the number of on-line disputes their systems will allow you to enter. At that point you will have to start sending disputes via CMRRR.

    Also, on-line systems only allow limited choices for dispute reasons. As you progress, your disputes will become very specific to details, and these can only be done via written dispute with evidence attached.

    So, start with the on-line methods, they are more convenient, and start with the "Not Mine" reasons.

    As a final consideration on choice, there is some thought that a written dispute has a greater chance of success, due to taking longer to get through the CRs systems, and perhaps even being lost in handling. This can mean they have less time to process, and may just delete to comply with reporting requirements.
  3. fireman

    fireman New Member

    Thanks for your help!
  4. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Hi Fireman,

    Post your problem here (without too much personal info.) and we'll see if we can help.

    : )

    Sticking with one issue at a time is best.


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