Online dispute

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DukeaK, Jul 31, 2004.

  1. DukeaK

    DukeaK Well-Known Member

    I was wondering how you go about disputing bad debt online with the CRA. Im with Privacy Guard right now, they talk about disputing via mail. I know thats probably the best way to go. But I would like to try it online anyway. So if anyone has a link to any sites for disputing online, please send it Thanks
  2. ih8debt

    ih8debt Well-Known Member

    Hi DukeaK

    I disputed online with the 3 CRA's a little over a month ago...
    Each CRA has a website - and I found that you had to order your CR individually from each CRA (Except TU - I had a 3 in 1 and that company was related to TU somehow. Anyway...each CR you order will come with a "file number" or "order number" that you need in order to dispute on the website. I did't order my CR with the score when i ordered was $9 for each report.

    Hope this helps -
    and good luck!
  3. goldhummin

    goldhummin Well-Known Member

    Once you dispute something, you will get a printed report in the mail with the results. You can use THAT credit report number to dispute on-line, though if you read here long enough you'll see that written disputes are always best.
  4. DukeaK

    DukeaK Well-Known Member

    Hi Lynn, Thanks for the reply. That makes more sense, I get the 3 in 1 reports from PG and it didnt say anything for online disputes. I will go individually directly with each cra...thanks again.
  5. DukeaK

    DukeaK Well-Known Member

    Goldhummin thanks, I have made disputes by mail with all three. So when I get the udates or if I get them in the mail. I will try disputing online, I know Ive heard mail with crrr is the best which is how I did it the first round, its been 5 weeks with no change on reports and no word from any of the cra's so Im getting frustrated. I know it usually takes longer to get a response. But I hate waiting...anyway thanks again

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