Online disputes and collections

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Gemini, Jan 10, 2002.

  1. Gemini

    Gemini Active Member

    First off, how you do online disputes? No letters are needed?? Do you have to pay to do this or buy your report from them first? Also, with FICO scores currently 586, 609 and 614 with about 8 (yes, embarrassed) medical collection accounts, I was wondering when I pay those all off how fast, or how much, my scores might go up. Collections are 1-3 years old. Also, when disputing online, does this hurt your FICO? We are in the process of getting a mortgage, the lady at the company said "if you pay off the collections I really think this is doable", now I worry paying off the collections might HURT my score immediately because it might reage them, is this possible?
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    just go to the cra web pages and follow the simple directions. you will need a copy of your credit report because they will ask you for a file or report number. It does not cost anything to do an online dispute. I advise you to print out copies of all of your disputes for verification purposes.

    I would do simple disputes and see if some of the collections would come off. I would offer to settle in for full deletion (get it in writing). check here for debt settlements threads, that might help you out.

    If they are small and time is an issue, you could pay them and dispute later, while enjoyin your new house.
  3. LAT

    LAT Well-Known Member

    If you are in a hurry to buy a house and if the debts are small I agree w/ uniondiva, about paying the c/a's. If you decide to take a little time and try a clean-up first I reccommend disputing. (I just had 4 of the 5 items I disputed removed today!!!) so it does work! If you want to pay ALWAYS get it in writing first. The c/a will promise you the moon with no intentions of following thru on their promises. I wouldn't reccommend telling them your applying for a morgage since they will know you have to pay them and they can hold out for more/all the money. (your giving them the advantage) If you do hold out till you fix your credit a little, you could get a better interest rate and lower down payment too!!!

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