Online EX dispute

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by geterdone, Mar 21, 2005.

  1. geterdone

    geterdone Member

    Has anyone used the online dispute form from EX? I was looking on the site and noticed that when you dispute online it gives you a drop box to pick â??whyâ? you are disputing. They range from â??no knowledge of accountâ?? to â??never was lateâ?. Then it gives you an option to write in additional info (120 words or less). My question is, if I use the online form, should I write in additional info or is that a way for them to get me to â??say the wrong thingâ??

    If anyone has used the online form, did you have any success?
  2. seraph23

    seraph23 Active Member

    Yes- had a couple on EX deleted disputing as 'No Knowledge' (not mine)....

    Disputed an OC on TU as not mine- deleted, then a month later disputed the CA for the same account as 'not mine' & added a stament in the little box stating that the CA must be removed when the OC ages off.... they were due to fall off 6/05

    ;) 'I fear that you underestimate the sneakiness, sir'

  3. bigmon

    bigmon Well-Known Member

    I've used online disputing and have had good results. One if the things I like is you can see right away that the dispute is in progress. I've mixed up the reasons too.

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