Ontrack-can you evaluate? Seasoned Senior Reps?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Reatha, May 21, 2007.

  1. Reatha

    Reatha Well-Known Member

    Sorry to keep posting directly to you! I am almost done with my credit cleaning I promise!!!!

    I posted on an attorney letter. I hope you can read that and perhaps respond there or here.

    I, however, was reading through some other posts and read your reply under OC's and CA's calling and harrassing.Towards the bottom of thread you evaluated the differences between FDCPA and FCRA and law suits. That made a lot of sense to me and helped me a lot. I now am thinking maybe I SHOULD address this OC one more time with the specificity he requested and some more specificity of my own. But I still feel a bit odd about sending in a credit report. Any thoughts on that or this situation I'm in at all? I added some more very relavent info to the post today also. I feel I was messed over by the original dealership. But, how to prove that if I can't get any documents? I really respect some of the senior members on here and their opinions. So thanks in advance, and I am off to see if I can answer some posts myself. Trying very hard not to make this just a take thing.
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Realize that I am NOT an attorney. I am just trying to look at the differences (thru my own logic), for purposes of charting strategies. As such, remedies available thru the courts are only part of the scope of what you should consider.

    If you are dealing with an issue that is more fully described in an earlier thread, it may be useful to maintain the continuity of that thread, adding updates on the current state. That will let us have a clearer picture of the origin of the problem, what has been tried, what response you have received, and hopefully what alternatives to now consider.

    Otherwise, it becomes like playing a simultaneous chess tournament, with each board partly hidden, and some boards even representing the same game on different turns.

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