Oops... 1 More Question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by msjackson, Feb 21, 2002.

  1. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    My mother has 2 Citi cards ($5,000 & $10,000) the $10K card has "24% APR". I told her to call Citi and get the cards combined and ask to have APR dropped. Well she called last night and got a nasty rep. who told her that combining the cards would do nothing and that he would NOT drop the rate on the 10K card. She has had the card since "1985". She told him to close the account on the 10K card and he said "fine". Does that sound right?
  2. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    Sounds like there was reason to raise the APR.

    Citi only does this when there is reason like:
    1. Past due
    2. Bounced Check
    3. new derogs on credit report
    4. Maxxed out balances

    I'd get the whole picture before making any suggestions.
  3. msjackson

    msjackson Well-Known Member

    HUH????????? Sorry, didn't understand your response sam. And by the way she has had no recent activity as far as checks, late pays etc..
  4. ng

    ng Well-Known Member

    Citi has many Reps

    I would keep calling until I received a nice one.

    I would also check the credit reports to be sure something has not happened.

    Sam was giving the reasons of why Citi would raise the interest rates.

    I would call and ask why they were raised.
  5. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Couild have want over that person head call back and tell them how rude that person was, citi like to see use the card before they lower the rates or give you a high limit.
  6. Karen

    Karen Well-Known Member

    I maxxed out my $15,000 Citi card and five other cards. Citi bumped my rate to 23.99%, even though I always paid on time.

    I paid down $7500 on it in December and got them to reduce the rate to 10.49%, but they will not give me a BT rate, nor will they let me do any BT's.

    And, they have not reported it since the beginning of September so my CR's show a $15,000 balance on the card.

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