oops.. I sent DV letter to OC

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dvdshop21, Dec 30, 2005.

  1. dvdshop21

    dvdshop21 Member

    I have just found out DV letter is only for CA
    I have sent several DV letter couple weeks ago and
    it included amex and discover.
    What do I have to do now ?
    I got the green card back but I haven't heard from them yet.
    Will they responde me ?
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    They don't have to respond, but they can choose to. They might just send you a copy of the last statement. Or they might forward it to a CA who is handling it, in which case the CA should respond.

    You can also dispute the accuracy of CR items with OCs or other DFs under FACTA.

    Is there an issue regarding the amount they claim is due, whether it is legitimately your account, or what they are reporting on your credit reports?

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