Open account in good standing

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mikewood, Aug 22, 2003.

  1. mikewood

    mikewood Member

    I have a gulf oil account on my report that states it is still open and in good standing. I closed this account years ago, but should I leave it since its a good account? Or dump it (I´m sure a simple dispute would take care of it).


  2. melijane

    melijane Member

    Hi Mike,
    Hot down there huh? You should ALWAYS leave good accounts never dispute from what I've learned
  3. mikewood

    mikewood Member

    Yeah, that sounds like good logic. The only consideration I have is that it is additional available credit, which creditors may look down upon me having available (gasoline spending spree?).

    For now, I have bigger (and worse) fish to fry!
  4. iambroke

    iambroke Well-Known Member

    Since your credit report score is calculated using different factors one can't really tell you what would happen if you closed it however I would assume it's probably an old account. If you close it and it is your oldest account it may affect your score as the length of time of your file is part of the scoring factor. I would just leave it alone and let it sit there since it's a positive tradeline and it's old.
  5. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    The only consideration I have is that it is additional available credit, which creditors may look down upon me having available (gasoline spending spree?).
    This is may be a Neg.
    But a worse more damaging Neg. is to high of utilization.
    If you close the account it will definitely cause an increase in your % of utilization.
    This could cause your scores to plunge which leads to jacked insurance premiums and higher interest rates.

    Available credit may be damaging but over utilization is a disaster by comparison. It's simply a case of having to chose between the lesser of two evils.

    Just goes to show what a racket the credit and insurance industries are running.

    .1* Should that automatically take the
    account out of collections and remove the negative information from my credit report.
    2*should I just pay them $1K and call it a day.
    1*About the only thing automatic is the screwing one gets from scoring and reporting.
    2*Never never ever just pay anything.Good way to get railroaded!
    Gotta Love Sheriff Joe.

    [color=dark blue]In Arizona they are having a heat wave now.... hot enough to melt candles, cause dogs to get heat stroke from the pavement.... well the inmates are griping how hot and inhumane it is there.... they live in tents there since the sheriff.... my hero Joe Araphio makes them live in tents and wear pink prison suits.... they gripe how hot and inhumane it is....and his response????

    Joe Arphaio, the tough-guy sheriff who created the tent city and long ago started making his prisoners wear pink, is not sympathetic. He said Wednesday that he told the inmates: "It's 120 degrees in Iraq and the soldiers are living in tents and they didn't commit any crimes, so shut your mouths."[/color]

    THE END ** *** ** LB 59

    THE END ** *** ** LB 59

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