OPEN: Approved $18,200 line

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sam, Aug 28, 2002.

  1. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    for my home business. Guess where all my balances are going to BT :)

    i'll have $0 on my reports in no time.

    crazy i can't qualify for a blue, nor a amex increase ($2500 optima) but they gave me a $18,200 business line.

    wierd folks at amex.

    Try it. Amex OPEN delta skymiles card.


    So basically i got $5000,$5500,$6600,$18,200 in credit cards today. I seriously fell off the wagon.

    Oh well we're all addicts.
  2. DemPooches

    DemPooches Well-Known Member


    Did you request any balance transfers with your application?


  3. Hope

    Hope Well-Known Member

    Wow! On a home based business, at that! I'm very impressed!
  4. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    no credit check (equifax,experian) or D&B was pulled either..

    verrrrrrrrrrry wierd.
  5. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    I got a offer in the mail for that busines AMEX Delta card, but I have no business????

    What sort of business do you have Sam?
  6. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    Can someone else verify that they were approved for the Open Delta card with no credit check?

    Also they have an option to apply for a business line of credit. Could this be the "soft inquiry" line of credit they used to have with their banking operation?
  7. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    Did you use your SSN or your TIN

    I have my own business and only have a nextel account as credit. Are there any steps I should take prior to applying?
  8. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    Sam are you there? Did you use your SSN, TIN can you give a run down? My scores are awful, but this would help my business as I have no credit with it
  9. Om

    Om Well-Known Member

    I guess all good things should end some day....

    I've riden your coat tail on your applications and have been approved almost dollar for dollar for what you have.

    Amex denied me...

  10. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    congrats sam - gosh what is the interest rate?
    dreaming but thats my AUDI !!!!!

    aarrfff dogman
  11. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

  12. jaj1701

    jaj1701 Well-Known Member

    I'm also curious to know. I also have a home business with no credit. What type of sales did you report? I have an open preapproved app in front of me. I've been laid off but still get a nice income from my business. What ever you can share would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks Sam,

  13. leo728

    leo728 Well-Known Member

    btw what was the interest rate on the bt ?
  14. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member


    You cannot post this and not answer our questions. You better not be spending all of that $18,200.00, Be responsible, come back to the board and answer our questions.

    SAM,SAM, are you reading??!!!!(LOL) Seriously can you answer our questions.
  15. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    my score was 699 according to the credit union and RBC Centura banks. I was 1 point under their "premier" but not "elite" (730) rate.

    I do owe a bit of money to my cc's, the Business card will allow me to stealth all of my debt which should with some account closings allow me to reach the "elite" status (showing $0 balances with well over $60K in credit).

    My bad, according to Equifax, they did pull my score on today. Which is odd since i applied a few days ago.I Called and confirmed my BT and card was real,because i applied late at night.

    Amex Delta Skymiles business charge, with real business. Dispute mode on equifax to bring my debt ratio down dramatically.
  16. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    Now that I know that I will not be applying for anything. I will just have to wait, till my own score is up there.
  17. sal826

    sal826 Well-Known Member

    Is this for real? - we can apply for their business card even though we don't have a business? I really need a seperate line of credit to hide my Platinum Optima card balance.

  18. wolverine

    wolverine Well-Known Member

    IT looks like the BT rate is over 14%. That's pretty steep in the current interest climate. Also, judging from the app questions, this may show up on your personal credit. Anyone have an answer on this?
  19. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    hEY sAM,

    Which state are you in? I am thinkin about applying..
  20. xray_rn

    xray_rn Active Member

    I also just got approved for the AMEX Delta business card even though I'm on their blacklist due to old charge off. Did it online with instant approval, says I should get the card in 7-10 days. No limit given.
    Tried the same with the Amex/Costco Business card, no instant approval..."we'll get back to you..."

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