Open mortgage tradeline deleted

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sbraun, Jul 18, 2006.

  1. sbraun

    sbraun Member

    This one has me puzzled. All 3 bureaus have removed an open mortgage. There was a late reporting, I disputed and they deleted. What to do? OC or CRA? Afraid the late is gonna report again, but this is almost a 2 year old line otherwise perfect.
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Is it your current mortgage? Was it 30 days or more late?
  3. sbraun

    sbraun Member

    They reported it 30 days late in April, they refused to delete, told me to contact the CRA's. Yes, it my current mortgage. EQF deleted, TU never reported. Got EFX report today and they said it was deleted. I checked with PG today and I have no current mortgage. ARG!!!
  4. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    How did you dispute it? If "not mine", be careful of what you ask for.....
  5. ArmondoNLA

    ArmondoNLA Well-Known Member

    Hehe, what's more important now at this second - that late being there, or having the tradeline back on your reports? ;)

    I'd get the tradeline back first by writing the mortgage co, and asking them to have it updated/rereported back to da 3 bureaus.
    It could happen that that late could disappear when they rereport.

    If it's still there......... write the mortgage co a nice-like letter and ask them to remove the late. You don't gotta tell them your business, but let em know that you've been a good customer, blah blah....

    Hope this helps!
  6. sbraun

    sbraun Member

    It was disputed as NEVER LATE. Question is is it better to go to the OC or the 3 CRA's? Thanks!
  7. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Did they report in what month it was late?

    Do you have your own records (checks, bank statements) to show that it was never late, or at least not 30 or more days late?

    How is the loss of this TL affecting your credit scores?

    Is there a reason they might not want you to refinance?
    Subprime fixed rates? ARM that kicked in, with high rates?
  8. sbraun

    sbraun Member

    The late is a long story. I've had a mortgage for 25 years and now I don't have one reporting. My score is about the same as it was with the late (on PG). It would be to my guesstimate 25 pts higher with the TL and the late removed.

    REFI...NOT an issue!! My question is who to go to (OC or CRA's) and why all three have been deleted (not just EFX). Is it just PG? Didn't dispute it with TU because they were not reporting late. Guess I need to contact the OC and let them reinsert. Eventually something will report but will it be for the entire loan or just the latest month on...that is the question.
  9. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    My question was not whether you actually planned to refi, but whether the lender might think that they might lose a profitable loan if you did, and therefore might have motive to change their reporting to their benefit.

    Just looking at possible motive: bumbling error on handling a CRA dispute, vs. intentional act.
  10. sbraun

    sbraun Member

    No, don't think that's an issue. Just don't know how all 3 have deleted unless it was done by the OC.
  11. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    If you disputed with all 3 CRAs, and the OC failed to reply in 30 days to any of them, the CRAs might remove due to no response.

    You might expect they would remove just the disputed info ("late"). But these are CRAs, so don't expect rational intelligent behavior.
  12. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Since you disputed thru the CRAs, they should send you the results of their dispute investigation. That should indicate what action they took.
  13. sbraun

    sbraun Member

    EQF deleted the late, TU never reported the late. EFX deleted. TU is still out, but never disputed it with them because they had not reported it. This is why this isn't making sense. I do cleanup for my clients all the time, but this is a new one.
  14. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Did the CRAs say they were going to delete, and did they give a reason?
  15. sbraun

    sbraun Member

    Yes, EQF removed the late and updated!! EFX said they were going to delete and. They never give a reason.

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