Opening a checking account new

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Credit2009, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. Credit2009

    Credit2009 Member

    If CAs are pursuing you (or at least you know they are), does it make them easier to find you if you open a new checking account? The banks ask you of the Social Security Number to open an account to verify your identify. I am not sure if that alerts the CAs / Creditors to renew their pursuit.
  2. enigma

    enigma Well-Known Member

    If the bank does a credit pull it will.
  3. sawa0018

    sawa0018 Active Member

    I think all banks now pull credit to open checking accts.
  4. Credit2009

    Credit2009 Member

    So, if a bank pulls a credit report when a person opens a checking account, that action will alert collection agencies?

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