Ok- I think it was 'the Dog' that had a similar idea that got me thinking a few days ago........ He suggested , jokingly, that we all apply for Providian at the same time. Well, since they are currently doing a good enough job of screwing things up on their own, how about doing the 'big three' instead. We know that the Holidays are a good time to send out letters as they are generally understaffed, right?So, how about we all coordinate a round of disputes, at the same time, around Dec 7th or so? We have a lot of GREAT resources here on the board...we can pool or knowledge and get everything together. Then, we each send out our dispute letters over the course of three or four days before the holidays. Maybe even do one dispute per envelope to really get the mail going. Could it make a difference, who knows? But it is worth a shot. We are sending disputes out anyway, why not try to gain a little advantage. I do understand that 'spamming' the CRA's with dispute after dispute is not the 'best' way of doing things, I know 'smarter' letter are better. But, this way could be a combination of two. Doc- this is not a 'great' idea, just an idea.... Just a thought.... Shawn "It's sad how whole families are torn apart by simple things, like wild dogs"
Moment of Zen text: This site is under construction, dedicated to "Citing the best on the net" WE are not affiliated with or endorse Yahoo Corporation or their Geocities subsidiary in ANY manner. If you are looking for geocities, please contact them directly. That is what I got. If that is supposed to be a Zen moment..... I don't get it.
WoW, Erica...that's weird. If you mis-type geocities, you get that message, I just tried it. However, if you click the link, it should work fine. I just had another guy at the office give it a try. Not as funny today...had to go political as I was burned out on the Taliban stuff....I have some I think are pretty funny that I post on my regular site but it might not go over well here...it's not very conservative stuff. I am not sure why you got that error. Nothing surprises me througth geocities/yahoo, though. I tried to use a redirector on that site to pull from mine without disclosing the url but yahoo wouldn't let me...I'll just have to keep trying until I find a better free hosting option. Shawn
Sorry, this site is temporarily unavailable! The web site you are trying to access has exceeded its allocated data transfer. Visit our help area for more information. Access to this site will be restored within an hour. Please try again later. http://www.geocities.com/supershawn/ ?????????????
Ha! It's already hit it's limit? Yahoo has put some pretty strict transfer limit's on the free pages. People were abusing the system by storing files and letting all their friends download them. To circumvent this, they just put an hourly/daily cap on throughput. Not the smartest way to deal with it, but it worked. I'll see what I can do. Without server side cgi support at yahoo, my options are kinda limited. Shawn
Shawn, Here's what I get when I click your link (twice this morning- about an hour ago, and just now): Sorry, this site is temporarily unavailable! The web site you are trying to access has exceeded its allocated data transfer. Visit our help area for more information. Access to this site will be restored within an hour. Please try again later. http://www.geocities.com/supershawn/ As re your other idea, I hate to sound morbid, and I sure don't want to give anyone any ideas, but, in light of our New Reality, how carefully do you think the CRA's are checking their mail these days. An awful lot of people hate them, and a certain number are not terribly stable. I only bring it up because, intuitively, I'm guessing that right now is a pretty good time to send in written disputes. They're probably losing at least an extra day or two in the mail room due to security screening. That's not like to change in the next few months, if anything, after this morning's sad news out of Washington DC, maybe even get tighter. If anyone feels that this is way out of line, I'll be happy to alert PBM and have it removed.
I do not think your post is out of line. The current situation is disgusting, and that's not your fault. It is due to cowards who choose to duck and run rather than fight. They are so brave that they are willing to die for their religion, yet they do not show their faces. They claim to be the holiest of the holy, yet they live by deceit, lies, and praying upon those at their times of weakness. They put all there resources to war and death before buying food or shelter for their women and children. The Christmas season, with all it's mail, and the additional screening, and the Holiday vacations, will be the optimal time to send the disputes. A coordinated effort might double the effectiveness... I guess this could be taking adavantage of a bad situation, and there probaby are questionable aspects to it. However, as I stated in the long drawn-out BK post a few weeks ago, sometimes it comes down to survival. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Look at the shark. It was hear during the time of the dinosaurs. It is still here now. It did not manage to do this by thinking "Should I eat that baby seal? He really really is kinda cute...". The shark is still here because it did what it had to do to survive. If anyone does take offence to your post (or mine for that matter), I would hope that they not take offense to you as an individual. Your post is a fact, and you stated it in a very professional and humane way. Shawn
Quixote after this morning's sad news out of Washington DC, maybe even get tighter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ????????
FWIW- I took some packages to the PO at lunch. There was discussion going around that letters without return address that are dropped into mailboxes might not get delivered. They had a sign up (not an official USPS sign) that said "Tips to get your mail delivered faster"....I'm paraphrasing from memory here..... - Alway put a clear , valid, return address. - try to avoid using bulk mail recepticals, use your own personal mailbox or take your mail to the Post Office. -Avoid mailing irregular shaped items in standard envelopes. Use padded packing envelopes. - mark the contents of 'odd' shaped materials on the outside of the package etc, etc.... Shawn
I have been wondering, with all that is going on w/the postal service, how Junum is doing? Isn't part of their activty writing disputes that they mail to your post office, hoping that they will drop it in the mail, looking like you mailed it yourself from there? I wonder if the USPS has put a stop to this.. Shawn, I think the holiday dispute is a great idea!
I wondered that too (about Junum)... It sounded like they were not using return addresses- even if they were, the heavy re-mailing had to attract attention. Shawn
Sorry. I got a lot going on and I just didn't pay close attention before I hit submit. A lot of cars behind my train. Chug. Chug....
Ok I haven't turned on the news today and I'm afraid to ask what is this morning's sad news out of Washington? KHM
2 Postal workers out of the Brentwood Mail facility have died. They are not yet 100% sure if it is anthrax yet but they are treating it as if it is anthrax until they hear otherwise. As to the DC mail being shut down, NO!...that facility handles the Capitol mail as well as downtown mail but DC is mail still operating, I got mail today. It is a new day though. -Peace, Dave
I actually clicked on your advertisement for the ZEN moment in your signature line. I tried it again just now and got : Sorry, this site is temporarily unavailable! The web site you are trying to access has exceeded its allocated data transfer. Visit our help area for more information. Access to this site will be restored within an hour. Please try again later. http://www.geocities.com/supershawn/ Need extra data transfer? Sign up for GeoCities Pro or Webmaster. Learn more." This is now hours later. Sorry.
Nave, How are things going in DC? My husband and Dad go into downtown every other day. My father says it doesn't feel the same and you're always on your toes. Makes me want to buy 400 acres and move to Montana. Dani