DEFENDANT XXXXXXXX, appearing pro se, answers the complaint of Plaintiff and, in responses to each numbered paragraph thereof, states: 1. Defendant admits she resides in Genesee County, New York. 2. Defendant is without information or knowledge sufficient to form an opinion as to the truth or accuracy of the claim made in this paragraph. 3. Defendant is without information or knowledge sufficient to form an opinion as to the truth or accuracy of the allegations contained in this paragraph and based on that denies and generally and specifically each and every allegation contained herein and demands strict proof. 4. Denied 5. Defendant is without information or knowledge sufficient to form an opinion as to the truth or accuracy of the allegations contained in this paragraph and based on that denies and generally and specifically each and every allegation contained herein and demands strict proof. As to 3rd Cause/Action: Defendant realleges and incorporates by reference the admissions, allegations, and denials in paragraphs 1 through 5 of this answer. Defendant is without information or knowledge sufficient to form an opinion as to the truth or accuracy of the allegations contained in this paragraph and based on that denies and generally and specifically each and every allegation contained herein and demands strict proof. AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSES As to Count I: 1. Plaintiff failed to allege ultimate facts to establish existence of a contract. 2. Pursuant to Article 31 New York State Civil Practice Law and Rules, Plaintiff failed to respond to a previous demand for proof of contracts and any other discovery related materials or attach notes, bills of exchange, account statements, contracts, or other documents upon which an action may be brought. Wherefore, the defendant prays the Court to enjoin the Plaintiff to provide for discovery of valid, signed contractual documents supporting the claims made herein within 30 days and failing to do so render judgement as follows: 1.That plaintiff take nothing by the complaint, which will be dismissed with prejudice. 2. That the Court order further reasonable relief. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 20th day of January, 2008
Looks fine but, it would be nice to compare the Complaint next to it in order to see if everything washes.
Is this the one for your wife? If so, as we discussed, you cannot represent her. She will have to appear in court unless you retain local counsel.
The complaint reads as follows.... Plaintiff, by it's attorney(s), complaining of the defendants(s), upon information and belief, alleges: 1. That the defendant(s) resides in the county in which this action is brought; or that the defendant(s) transacted business within the county in which this action is brought in person or through his agent and that the instant cause of action arose out of said transaction. 2. Plaintiff is a national banking association, and is authorized to do business in New York. 3. On information and belief defendant in person or by agent made credit card purchases and/or took money advances under credit agreement at defendants' request; a copy of which agreement was furmished to defendant at the time the account was opened. 4. There remains an agreed balance on said account of $20,224.29 5. Defendant(s) is in default and demand for payment has been made. 3rd cause/action: Plaintiff stated an account to defendant without objection that there is now due plaintiff from defendant(s) the amount set forth in the complaint, no part of which has been paid, although duly demanded. Wherefore, plaintiff demands judgement against defendant(s) for the sum of $20,224.29 together with the costs and disbursements of this action. ----------------------------------------- We believe Forster and Garbus is using Citibank as plaintiff in an attempt to intimidate as my wife's credit report shows that account as charged off and "closed at the creditor's request." We figure it was sold to a third party debt buyer. The original amount at the date of last activity was around 10k, which is what the credit report reflects as "written off." The rest is accrued interest/charges post charge-off. We sent a certified letter requesting detailed information regarding the current owner of the debt as we don't believe it is Citibank. In the letter we requested to be contacted by certified mail only. We received a few phone calls and then the summons on 1/12. The complaint lists a file number not the original account number, although the last 8 digits are the same.
Should answer #1 mention whether or not they have any knowledge of the alleged transaction that is the stated cause of action? I thought that a properly drafted complaint should list only one item of fact or allegation per paragraph and that you could object to the allegation or request clarification to those that contained several allegations. From the cheap seats it looks like admitting that you lived in the county could also be construed as admitting to all of #1.
I had the same opinion on par. 1 which is why I specifically answered "admits she resides in Genesee County." I was thinking of changing it to the generic response because of their wording and the appearance of a little "trickery." No, enigma, it was not business was used to keep personal matters in check while I "robbed Peter to pay Paul" so to speak as the business got me further into trouble. I poured cash into the business and used cards to take care of family/personal matters.
Is there a response or Affirm. defense as to the wording of paragraph one being deceptive or duplicitous?
I changed the par. 1 response to read as follows.... 1. Defendant admits she resides in Genesee County, New York, but is without information or knowledge sufficient to form an opinion as to the truth or accuracy of the other claims and allegations made in this paragraph and based on that denies generally and specifically each and every allegation contained herein and demands strict proof.
Slainte17 i too received the same kind of summons/complaint from forster & garbus regarding a capital one account.They did not use the original capital one account in the summons but there own reference number.I got the summons /complaint by regular mail never was served in person.How about you?The wording in the summons /complaint is almost identical.I live in the county of erie new york.There was no address or instructions how or where to file an answer with the summons.When i called the county clerks office they told me i could send in my answer by regular mail but had to have it notorized.When i gave them the index number they told me the case was filed dec 3rd 2007.I received the summons on jan 14th 2008.The summons was dated oct 1st 2007.Forster & garbus have a bad reputation i have read nothing but bad things about them on various websites.There is a class action lawsuit against them in new york for deceptive collection practices.
It was served at my home, to my son while my wife and I were out. We are already pursuing a FDCPA suit against them and we're going to initiate another one as they have continues to call after we sent them a cease and desist letter. I would be interested in the class action, do you have a link?
Here is the website for the class action suit against forster & Garbus How are you going to answer the summons/complaint by mail or in person?
hey SLAINTE 17 Did this summons have a court date,court seal or stamp and a signature by the county clerk?Were you served in person or regular mail?
Filing When you file something by mail, sending it certifed is fine. But also include with your mailing an extra copy of whatever you are filing along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope and add a note requesting the court clerk to time-stamp the copy and return it to you in the envelope. You therefore have a copy of your answer in your file along with the court's date and time stamp. The certified receipt is nice, but it is not proof of what you filed.