Opps, I talked to them !

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by POSTPONY, Nov 27, 2009.


    POSTPONY New Member

    I need help! I made the big mistake of talking to two CA . I made no promises I just told them that I would see what I could do . My question would be can I still send them a Debt Validation letter 1 and 2. And the 'No Debt Validation letter. Any suggests and help would ease my pea brain.

  2. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    Just dispute it with them,or the cra's
  3. cap1sucks

    cap1sucks Well-Known Member

    Talking to the debt collectors is never a mistake. It is what you say and how you handle the call that makes the make/break difference. Debt validation letter 1 and 2? I'm afraid I don't know what you are talking about but if you are referring to some letter found on the internet it probably better to devise your own. All you really need is to state that you dispute the debt and demand that they validate the debt so how hard can that be to conjure up? Why 2 debt validation demands? That don't even make sense to me since the second one would be meaningless anyway. You only have 30 days to dispute the debt or any portion thereof so a second demand would naturally fall outside that 30 day window and therefore be just about useless. That's the reason the estoppel letter was invented and that one is silly upon it's face. It used to work petty good a few years ago but not anymore. These days you need far more sophisticated methods than what you appear to describe. And what the heck is a 'No Debt Validation letter'? Don't think I ever heard of that one.
  4. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Ask them for validation and dispute their tradelines, if any, through the credit reporting agencies.

    Don't use any "form" found on the internet.
  5. dstyles

    dstyles Well-Known Member

    I agree with apexcrsrv, you should always ask for validation. The thing with CA's is they don't care who pays them as long as they get paid. So whether you truly owe the debt or not makes no difference to them. Because of this you should always send a DV letter to make sure you are not paying "someone else bills".

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