Opt-Out Contact Information TransUnion wants to help companies give American consumers the choices they want. This choice includes the right to say, "No, thank you" to their offers. If you want your name and address removed from mailing lists obtained from the main consumer credit reporting agencies â?? TransUnion, Experian, Equifax, and Innovis â?? call 888-5OPTOUT (888-567-8688), or write to the following address: TransUnion LLC's Name Removal Option P.O. Box 97328 Jackson, MS 39288-7328 Include the following information with your request: First, middle, and last names (including Jr., Sr., III) Current address Previous address (if you've moved in the last six months) Social Security number Date of birth Signature I WOULDN'T OPT-OUT FOR $1,000, BUT THAT IS ME!!!