Orchard Bank

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dacreation, Jan 28, 2006.

  1. dacreation

    dacreation New Member

    Does orchard bank credit card really help rebuild credit?
    I just recently applied for one because my credit is really screwed up. Alot of collections and i am tryin to add some +ve to my account.

    Are there anything to watch out for with ORchard or there are better merchants

    PLS advice
  2. broncsboi

    broncsboi Well-Known Member

    My experience with Orchard has been good.......if you can be patient.

    Got my first card with a $300 CL. Charged, paid minimum, paid extra, charged, paid in full, charged, paid minimum, etc.

    6 months later got a $150 increase. Over the course of the next year received $150 increases to a max of $950.00 CL.

    At the 1 1/2 year mark, I received an offer for their Platinum Card with a $1000.00 CL. With the new card I recieved checks with a 1.9% APR on anything I used the checks for until paid off (even cash).

    I also have the original card with another $100.00 increase for a total of $1050.00 on that card.

    In addition I received another "Pre-Approved" offer from them for another $1000.00 CL card. It was tempting but I declined due to the 'annual fee' of $79 for each card.

    They do report the CRAs albeit sometimes a month or so behind but they report.

    Don't bother asking for CL increases...they will give them to you when you've been good for a while.

    So like I said if you are 'good' and patient, this isn't a bad card to have. Yeah the CL's are $3500 or $5000 but it's a nice little card to have to build good history and the 1.9% checks are a nice touch if you need them.

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