Order of Dispution: C/O, IIB, BK7

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sbc, Sep 9, 2005.

  1. sbc

    sbc Member

    I currently live in a different state than the bk listed on the CA's report. Is it best to dispute accounts in what order...

    I have 2 accounts on Exp/TU that report C/O only and one includes a balance amounts... The remaining 6 IIB accounts showing 0 blnc included in BK. Or should I dispute the C/O accounts first because one account on each report shows current balance and past due amount.

    Removing Incorrect / Old Addresses
    Disputing IIB Accounts
    Disputing BK
    Disputing Charge Off Accounts


    Remove Incorrect / Old Addresses
    Dispute Charge Offs and Request force removal on all bureaus to incrrct info.
    Dispute IIB Accounts
    Dispute BK
  2. Diane1432

    Diane1432 Active Member

    I am in the midst of this myself and mostly finished with disputing 3 months post BK. I disputed my charged off accounts that did not say IIB zero balance. That will change your score if utilization was a high to begin with. I am not bothering with disputing BK at all. It is too complicated and two years post we will be in the mainstream of credit with everyone else. The accounts themselves fall off before the actual public record disappears. BK is not necessarily the kiss of financial death. Rebuild your credit . Change the addresses at your convvienence. In my opinion charge-offs are worse for your credit than BK. If it was CO'ed before the BK, creditors can list both which is a double slam. When you dispute, try to have the CO removed in place of the BK. ZERO balance is key. I have been fortunate with a few accounts that dropped late payment data as well.

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